Add Listing

Artist/Studio profile: Add Profile - Venue open studio

These are the images that are displayed on your listing profile. The image at the top of the list will be the main image and also be used to create the marker on the map. Drag the images to change the order they are displayed. The maximum size for uploaded photos is 2MB and maximum width/height is 2000 pixels to ensure your listing page loads quickly. If your image does not upload, please reduce the size and try again.
File Name File Size
No entries found
Max number of files 12, maximum file size 2MB. Supported file formats: gif jpeg jpg png
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Upload a profile photo of yourself or your studio to personalise your page.
File Name File Size
No entries found
Max number of files 1, maximum file size 2MB. Supported file formats: gif jpeg jpg png
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Include a description of you and your work. We suggest that you write this in the third person as this ensures consistency across the site and allows us to use the text on other materials without having to edit your words. If you prefer to speak or write about yourself in the first person include this as a quote within a piece written in the third person. (Max 550 characters)
The “Find on map” feature places a marker at the location for the post code and may not match your studio. Click on the map to accurately place the marker and check that the address matches what you want.
If you are taking part in the Open Studios event, please select the days when you will be opening your studio.
Please select items in the lists below to provide more information for visitors about accessibility and facilities available at your studio.
Add notes here if visitors to your studio need additional information – for example details of rough tracks, landmarks to look out for etc.